Product on sale

Roasted Cashews 250gm Without Salt I Large Size I 240 No

 1,100 4,400

    • “Roasted Cashews: Nutty Perfection”
    • “Healthy Snacking with Roasted Cashews”</li>
    • <li>”Cooking<


  • with La


    rge Cashews”<li>”Versatile Roasted Cashews”

  • “250g of Roasted Cashews – Pure Delight”
  • Check Mark Estimated Delivery : Up to 4 business days
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Nutty Perfection, Roasted to Crunchy Delight

Indulge in the Irresistible Flavor of Roasted Cashews

Our Roasted Cashews are the epitome of nutty perfection. These large-sized, 250-gram delights are carefully roasted to crunchy delight, giving you the ultimate snacking experience. Without salt, they offer a pure, unadulterated taste that will leave your taste buds craving for more. Here’s what makes our roasted cashews stand out:

  • Large Size: These cashews are bigger and heartier, providing a satisfying and filling snack.
  • No Salt: We believe in preserving the natural goodness of cashews without adding unnecessary sodium.
  • Crunchy Texture: The roasting process brings out the cashews’ natural crunch, elevating your snacking experience.
  • Versatile: Enjoy them as a stand-alone snack, or add them to your culinary creations for an extra layer of flavor and texture.
  • Healthy Fats: Cashews are a source of healthy monounsaturated fats, making them a guilt-free indulgence.

 Nutrient-Packed Goodness

Unleash the Health Benefits of Roasted Cashew

Apart from their delectable taste, roasted cashews also pack a nutritional punch. These gems are a powerhouse of essential nutrients, making them an excellent choice for your overall well-being. Here’s what you can expect when you enjoy our roasted cashew:

  • Heart Health: The healthy fats in cashews help support cardiovascular health and lower bad cholesterol levels.
  • Protein Boost: Cashews are a good source of plant-based protein, ideal for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Mineral Rich: They are packed with essential minerals like magnesium, which aids in muscle and bone health.
  • Antioxidant Protection: Cashews provide antioxidants that help protect your cells from oxidative damage.
  • Energy on the Go: Whether you’re hiking, working, or just need a quick energy boost, these roasted cashews are the perfect companion.

 Versatile Snacking and Culinary Companion

Roasted Cashews: Elevate Your Snacking and Cooking Game

Our roasted cashews are not just for snacking; they’re your culinary secret weapon. Their rich, nutty flavor can enhance a wide range of dishes. Here are some ways to elevate your culinary creations:

  • Salads: Sprinkle roasted cashews on your salads for a delightful crunch and added protein.
  • Stir-Fries: Add them to your stir-fries for a nutty twist and satisfying texture.
  • Desserts: Incorporate roasted cashew into desserts like cookies and brownies for a delightful surprise.
  • Trail Mixes: Create your own customized trail mix with these cashews, dried fruits, and chocolate for a balanced and delicious snack.

With our roasted cashew, your options are endless, from snacking straight out of the bag to enhancing your favorite recipes. more

Weight 250 kg

250g, 500g, 1kg


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